27 11 月 2023 2025-03-04 21:59Prostate
This is Atrium Prostate and Men’s Health Program

peter poon
Nanoknife did by Dr.Jonathan chan was excellent, it can save my life thank you so much
James Shaughnessy
Larry Wai
Rezum Water Vapor Therapy really help, Dr. Chan did a good job, and staff is very friendly and helpful, and I don’t needed to take pain killer after the operation, good job and well done.
Gilles Simard
I wish I had the Rezum procedures many years ago as it has completely resolved the urgency to go to the bathroom on a daily basis. I was an international business traveller for many years and BPH caused me an immense amount of stress everywhere I went. I had the procedure in May 2023 and the urge to go had totally disappeared and the time between visits to the toilet increased steadily. I am thankful Dr. Chan offers the procedure and I definitely recommend it.
Shuguang Wang
I received Rezum treatment from Dr Chan six months ago. I am very satisfied with the results. I now pass more urine each time with reduced frequency. In particular, I now wake up only 1-2 times at night (instead of 3-4 times before the treatment).
Grant Klaiber
Dr. Chan was very accommodating and personable and answered all questions very well. I was well cared for through the whole procedure and discomfort was virtually non-existent (nothing to fear). After 7 to 10 days post procedure a big improvement in urine flow was experienced and continued improvements were noticeable for the next 100 days. Would highly recommend the Rezum procedure and this particular clinic to perform it!
stan chan
本人七十歲 是陳醫生十多年的病人 多謝他多年的悉心照顧和護理 在這期間他曾勸我做手術 我一直在拒絕。直至 去年他給我介紹 蒸氣療法(Rezum Procedure)手術後可正常的生活 六星期後 完全康復 讓我感覺回到四、五十歲的感覺 再次多謝陳醫生和他的團隊
Eric Chan
I consider myself very lucky to be under Dr. Chan’s care. Without reservation I have recommended him to my friends and family. I am happy to say my experience with Dr. Chan is totally different from so many other doctors I have experienced. I don’t feel rushed, he is patient, and made me feel at ease during my appointments. He patiently gave explanations and answered all my questions on my treatment options and I feel confident that I am only in the best hands. Luckily, Dr. Chan is an expert in leading edge treatments in his field and I confidently chose the Rezum vapor BPH prostate procedure which was highly effective and painless. Thank you Dr. Chan!
我(Kowk Tsang 75歲)已有多年的前列腺問題, 在陳醫生的建議下, 在2022年5月接受了Rezun水蒸汽療法. 手術過程中須要輕度麻醉及插上導尿管及排便管, 過程十分須利, 沒有什麼痛楚. 待麻醉藥過後, 當天便可回家休息. 手術後5天須要插上導尿管幫助腫脹迅速消失和加快恢復時間排出尿液. 在首2-3天, 排出尿液會有小許血絲及輕微疼痛. 5天後便除去導尿管, 過程中沒有什出現任何炎症或其他問題. 手術3個月後, 做了尿流, 排便及膀胱儲備量測試, 都回復到標準, 可停止服用前列腺藥. 1年後須再做一次超聲波檢查. 現已在手術後6個月, 現在由每晚4-5次的起床上洗手間減至2-3次. 希望日後會更加好轉. 這次手術, 我個人感覺十分良好, 很感謝陳醫生的悉心治療. 希望陳醫生能繼續幫助更多須要的病患
I recently had the Rezum procedure done in June 2022. I’m so glad I did I feel amazing. My prostate was very large I was on medication for it. Now l take no medication. Dr Chan and his staff were excellent, they explained everything. If you have a enlarged prostate I suggest you get this procedure done. No pain when procedure was done. I feel like I’m 20 again. Thank you Dr Chan.
Susanna Yeu
I (Gerard Yeu) had REZUM surgery on the advice of Dr. Chan in May 2022 after Dr. Chan had some concerns with my prostate. He had earlier sent me for ultrasound test which revealed some serious issues. Dr. Chan is very professional, knowledgeable and caring to his patients. The REZUM surgery, though it costs $6,000.00 as it is not covered by the Government, is completely worth the money. Way superior to TURP, the equivalent surgery which is fully covered. I am glad that Dr. Chan had recommended REZUM and he had done a wonderful job getting me through it. Thank you Dr. Chan.
David A.
I am so thankful to Dr Jonathon E. Chan and his clinic staff for performing the REZUM procedure.
As a retired family physician, I knew what I was looking for in dealing with BPH: safe: no adverse effects, no incontinence or erectile issues, no hospitalization, brief and pain free. The results I wanted were no nocturia (off medication), good urine flow. I got everything I wanted and more. It did take 3 months to really see the full benefits. Now I feel like a young man regarding my urinary tract. Men, you may laugh but you don’t realize how much BPH affects your life. I am generally much more comfortable. ….even when riding a bicycle!
Dr. Chan’s office was efficient and cooperative. Dr Chan was a pleasure to deal with and did not pressure me in the slightest. His clinic of excellence and designated by Boston Scientific means he has a high volume of REZUM procedures; so nothing experimental here. The private clinic where the procedure was performed was efficient, clean and comprehensive; the anesthetist and nurses were great. Light sedation and 15 minutes was all it took. I did have a catheter for a few days after’ but even that was not bad; after all you can pee and carry on with your life! It was a good experience with a great result and honestly less intrusive than a cystoscopy. The other good news is I didn’t have to go to downtown Toronto. Summary: really good care and results!
Francis Ng
Dr Chan is an excellent specialist doctor in the field of his practice.
In terms of RESUM do yourself the biggest favor in your life, go for it. It gives your life a second chance to be very happy again.
Doug Sandham
I highly recommend the Rezum treatment. I didn't want anything to do with alternate procedures that could cause sexual dysfunction. Its been 5 months since the procedure and I am now urinating like I did when I was a boy with more control. I had no idea how bad my BPH had become. All my functions are now all improved far more than I expected. Dr. Chan and his team were awesome throughout the process that brought me to where I am today.
Kelvin Law
The therapy is effective on me. I can resume my normal activities with no longer worry for.the urine urgency during long distance drive and evening frequent wake-up.
Albert O'Sullivan
The complete procedure was performed exactly as planned including the post care and medication and catheter removal. I am very pleased with the outcome and the results are a great improvement.
Larry Wai
Rezum Water Vapor Therapy really help, Dr. Chan did a good job, and staff is very friendly and helpful, and I don’t needed to take pain killer after the operation, good job and well done.
我們位於多倫多北部的中心位置,靠近安大略省列治文山的 7 號高速公路和 404 號高速公路,交通便利。
治療和諮詢以門診形式在全新的私人現代化診所環境中進行,診所設有易於使用的免費地下/地面停車場,可透過 VIVA 公共交通或汽車直接進入。我們毗鄰酒店設施(多倫多公園大道喜來登酒店、萬豪萬怡酒店和 Residence Inn 酒店以及希爾頓花園酒店),為外地患者及其家人提供服務。
- 550 Hwy 7 Unit 317, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3Z4
- Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 5:00PM